Mothernode CRM Updates – June 1 2010 (Release 20102b)

New Updates in Mothernode
Date: June 1st, 2010

June 2010 Release

Users should take note of the following important changes and updates that have been made to Mothernode. As always, we encourage everyone to read the release notes. There will be random smaller publishes that will be released throughout the remainder of the month. These updates will be officially announced in the next release notes, unless they require immediate notice.



  • We’ve added a Warranty tab in the Inventory form.  Users can enter warranty information related to the inventory item.
  • Previously the Product Series field in the Inventory Module was a drop-drown list.  We’ve changed this to and auto fill box where the user can begin typing in a product and Mothernode will auto fill the pre-populated product series.  Users can enter something different if the desire product series does not exist.
  • The import template has been updated to include Manufacturer, Product Series, Status and Warranty.



  • The dispatch email has been updated to include all of the fields that are in a Lead/Opp Form.
  • The Probability filter in Advanced Search will filter the percentage that is selected and all percentages above.  (e.g. If 25% is selected, all Leads/Opps with 25%, 50%, 75%, and 99% probability will show in the list)

Orders (Project Management)

  • When in a Order record, Users can now print the Shop Production Order and Artwork file from the Print Option box.
  • Ship/Install: Previously PO Items would show Not Received in the Ship/Install tab of Orders until the associate PO was marked as received.  This rule was flawed as it required all items in the PO to be received.  A new rule has been put in place to look at the line item to see if it has been completed versus the overall PO.  This will allow Users to ship/install the specific line item that has been received.
  • Currently when you create a PO from an Order, it locks the line items in the Order.  A rule has been put in place to ONLY lock the line items in the order (line items issued as a PO) when the line items in the PO have begun to be marked as received.
  • A Change Order PDF has been added to the Orders print option.  This PDF is ideal for situations where the Order was modified and a customer needs to sign off on the revisions.

Orders in Production

  • Users can now export Production Orders from the Orders in Production Module.
  • Users can now print the Orders in Production List.  Access this report by clicking the Reports link in the Orders in Production list.


  • Ship/Install Logs.  Users can now print the Shipping Log.

Purchase Orders

  • Special Instructions have been moved from the Vendor Contact tab into its own tab called Special Instructions.


  • Vendor Profiles: ASI Affiliates now have their own Vendor Profiles.  When you create a new PO, you no longer have to select Vendor or Affiliate.  All you have to do is search for that Vendor, whether it’s a local or shared vendor or an Affiliate.  This new process allows Users to view POs created for Affiliates in their Vendor Profile.

Products and Services

  • We’ve added a print option for the following Products and Services list in Administration:  Product Components, Product Templates, Product Profiles, Service Items, and Products.

Custom Reports

  • We’ve added a Custom Reports module.  In this module, Users can create public or private reports that are custom to their specifications.  As of now, Users can only create reports with fields that are related to its own module.  Future plans includes the ability to join fields from multiple modules to create a custom report.

Quickbooks Integration

  • Accounting Users can now export Invoices from Mothernode and use Transaction Pro Importer 4.0 to import the export file into Quickbooks.  Accounting Users can access this module by going to the Invoice List, and clicking on the Export to Accounting button.  Accounting Users will see 2 tabs.  The first one lists Invoices to Export.  The second tab lists the Export History.  Accounting Users can unexport Invoices simply by going to the Invoice in Mothernode, and click on the Unexport Invoice button.

OOS Integration

  • When an OOS order is created, the Project Manager will receive 2 txt files.  One of these files can be imported into Mothernode.  Users will create a new Order first, then go to the Order Entry tab, click on the Import OOS Order button to import the txt file.  This will import all the line items as well as the construction information.  For detailed instructions, Users can access the instructional documentation in the Resources tab.

Misc. Fixes

  • Purchase Orders: The “Include in Print” option was not working.  Sub-item descriptions would print even if the “Include in Print” option was not selected.  This has been resolved.
  • Vendor History: Pagination was not working correctly.  If a user selected the next page, it would generate a list of historical items for all Vendors in Mothernode.  This has been resolved.
  • Leads/Opps: My Selection function was not working in conjunction with the list pagination.   If a user selected the next page, it would reset the list to include all Leads/Opps besides the selected ones.  This has been resolved.
  • PO PDF: Page break issues were occurring at the Print Name line.  This has been resolved.
  • Smart Tasks: When creating a new template in Smart Tasks, the description would disappear when a new action item was created.  This has been resolved.
  • Order Header: the Priority field values have been resorted to show Normal 1st, High 2nd, and Rush 3rd.
  • Minor inconsistencies were found in PDF Documents.  These inconsistencies have been resolved.

In development for July Release

Future features currently being developed include:

  • Custom Reports:  The ability to join fields from multiple modules to create a custom report.
  • Change Order Process
  • Knowledgebase made available for Affiliates to create their own FAQs which would be accessible locally.
  • P&L Reports
  • Triggers with Mail Support

The Mothernode Development Team


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