Stripe – Digital Payment Process.

Payment Process Overview

This article provides an overview of the payment process available in the system, including credit card and ACH payments.


A Stripe account is required to enable credit card and/or ACH payments. For more information, visit Stripe.

Payment Process for Deposit Invoices

The following steps outline the deposit invoice process. Customers will experience a similar process when handling standard and positive invoices.

1. Creating a Deposit

  • Navigate to the Invoicing tab within Quotes, Orders, or Work Orders.
  • Select Add Deposit.

Deposit Information

  • Document Type: Name of the deposit.
  • Deposit Amount: Total requested amount.
  • Use Percentage of Total: Calculate the deposit based on a percentage of the total.
  • Use Selected Line Item Amounts: Calculate the deposit based on selected items within Quotes, Orders, and Work Orders.
  • Deposit Date: Date the deposit is issued.
  • Description: Additional information about the deposit.

Line Items

Select individual items from Quotes, Orders, and Work Orders.

Sending the Deposit

  1. Select Print/Send in the upper-right corner.
  2. Choose the desired deposit from the dropdown.
  3. Make any necessary customizations.
  4. When ready, select Send.
  5. Edit the email as needed and send it to the customer.

Customer Experience

Customers will receive a link similar to the example below, allowing them to download the deposit.

  1. Customers can view, download, and select Pay Invoice from the deposit link.

Payment Options

After selecting Pay Invoice, customers will see a confirmation screen with the following options:

  • Choose between ACH or Credit Card payments.
  • View the corresponding convenience fee.
  • Optionally enter an email to receive a payment receipt.

Payment Submission

  1. Enter payment details on the Stripe interface.
  2. Select Pay to process the transaction.

Upon successful payment:

  • The customer can download a copy of the Mothernode invoice.
  • A receipt will be sent to their provided email address.

Viewing Payment Confirmation

After the payment is completed, confirmation will be visible:

  • Within the original Quotes, Orders, and Work Orders.
  • Via the Deposit Invoice Module.

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