Transaction Notes

Mothernode allows users to record notes in each of their transactions, such as Quotes, Orders, Invoices etc. Transaction notes serve one of 3 purposes.

  • Document a note about the transaction
  • Communicate a message to one or more other users
  • Pass the note further down the workflow

Notes are typically located in the header tab of the transaction, but all transaction notes for a customer are available and searchable within the customer profile.

Users can add notes to their transactions following these simple steps. Note: only Mothernode CRM Enterprise includes the check boxes to pass the note to other select transactions in the workflow.

  1. Click Add Note.
  2. Apply a reference to the note. This is a subject heading.
  3. Tag and users who should be notified of the note and who may be required to respond. (Optional)
  4. Write your note.
  5. Click Add.



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