Adding FreeForm Items

FreeForm When adding line items to Quotes, Orders, Work Orders, and Purchase Orders, Mothernode provides a variety of entry options. FreeForm allows users to enter any item they want and is ideal for adding ad-hoc items that are customized or not listed in Inventory or Products and Services.   FreeForm […]

Transaction Pro Importer

These instructions cover the basics of using Transaction Pro Importer to download your Mothernode financial activity and import it into Quickbooks. For more information about Transaction Pro Importer of technical support, visit Baystate Consulting’s website. IMPORTANT: Mothernode and its Customer Service and Customer Support teams do not provide customer service […]

Purchase Order API

Purchase Orders GET Receive a list of all Purchase Orders Sample Response: { “purchaseorders”:{ “10000”:{ “header”:{ “po_id”:”0000000a-a0a0-00a0-a000-a00a00a0000a”, “po_number”:”10000″, “vendor_name”:”Company”, “bill_name”:”Billing”, “bill_address1″:”555 Main”, “bill_address2″:”Suite 100”, “bill_city”:”New York”, “bill_state”:”NY”, “bill_country”:”US”, “bill_contact”:”Accounts Payable”, “bill_contact_email”:””, “revision_date”:”2016-06-15 16:45:48″, “due_date”:”2016-06-15 16:45:48″, “g_reference”:”Reference”, “subtotal”:”4000.00″, “tax_total”:”0.00″, “quote_total”:”4000.00″ }, “detail”:[ { “line_number”:”1″, “line_sub”:”0″, “item_name”:”test item”, “item_description”:null, “qty”:”3.000″, “unit_cost”:”-1000.00″, […]

Invoices API

Invoices GET Receive a list of all Invoices Sample Response: { “invoices”:{ “10000”:{ “header”:{ “invoice_id”:”0000000a-a0a0-00a0-a000-a00a00a0000a”, “invoice_number”:”10000″, “company_name”:”Company”, “bill_name”:”Billing”, “bill_address1″:”555 Main”, “bill_address2″:”Suite 100”, “bill_city”:”New York”, “bill_state”:”NY”, “bill_country”:”US”, “bill_contact”:”Accounts Payable”, “bill_contact_email”:””, “revision_date”:”2016-06-15 16:45:48″, “due_date”:”2016-06-15 16:45:48″, “g_reference”:”Reference”, “subtotal”:”4000.00″, “tax_total”:”0.00″, “quote_total”:”4000.00″ }, “detail”:[ { “line_number”:”1″, “line_sub”:”0″, “item_name”:”test item”, “item_description”:null, “qty”:”3.000″, “unit_cost”:”-1000.00″, “markup”:null, “discount”:null, […]

Cases API

Cases GET Receive a list of all Cases Sample Response: { “cases”: [ { “ticket_id”: “0000000a-a0a0-00a0-a000-a00a00a0000a”, “ticket_number”: “71”, “created_by”: “0000000a-a0a0-00a0-a000-a00a00a0000a”, “created_on”: “2014-03-31 15:38:17”, “customer_id”: “”, “contact_id”: “”, “reported_by”: “P”, “ticket_email”: “”, “ticket_phone”: “”, “ticket_title”: “test 4:22”, “ticket_desc”: “test 03/31/14\r\n”, “status_id”: “3”, “priority_id”: “0”, “source_id”: “63”, “type_id”: “226”, “completed_on”: “2014-08-17 […]

Custom fields

Custom fields can be created and applied to all Mothernode modules.  Once created, these fields can be used to run advanced searches and can be included in custom reports. Custom fields can be created by Administrators only. IMPORTANT: Before creating custom fields be sure to check if the field already exists […]

Configuring Value Lists

Most of the drop-down fields throughout Mothernode can be edited to fit your needs. These field options are driven by Mothernode’s Value List, found in the Administration tab. Login to Mothernode Go to the Administration menu  (available to Admins only) Select Configure Value Lists Locate the field you need using […]

Attaching files to records

Mothernode CRM gives users the ability to attach files to Customer Accounts, Contacts, Leads/Opportunities and Transactions, such as Quotes, Orders, etc. Additionally, files can be managed from the global File Cabinet, which is available from the Productivity menu. Click New from the global File Cabinet, or click the Upload button […]

File Cabinet

Mothernode CRM includes a centralized module that give users access to all uploaded files. Files are generally uploaded within customer records or transactions. Regardless of the upload source, all files are available in this list. Mothernode’s File Cabinet lets users Search for files Upload files Upload new versions of files […]