Quote Line Item Calculations when Using Sub-Items

In Mothernode Quote, Order and Invoice transactions, line items may include sub-items so that parts, materials, labor and other elements can be detailed to show all critical components that are required to build the line item, including their costs.

In the following example, a screen capture from a Mothernode quote, the line item includes two sub-items with their respective costs, markups and unit total amounts:

Mothernode provides excellent flexibility to structure the parent and sub-line items as desired in terms of quantities, costs and markups. In the above image, notice that the extended prices for the parent item and the two sub-items are all round numbers, but the unit total and extended unit total are not round numbers.

The reason for this is that Mothernode is required to determine the unit total for the complete item based on the parent and sub-line items’ quantities and costs, and that unit total cost is ultimately presented on the printed quote for the customer or prospect:

In the above example quote printout, sub-items may be hidden or displayed, but the pricing of the parent line item is displayed as noted above.

Mothernode calculates the unit total by adding all extended prices for the parent item and sub-items, and divides by the parent line item quantity. If the total of the extended prices is not divisible by the parent quantity, then the resulting unit price will be accurate but will include cents, and conversely, if the total of the extended prices are divisible by the parent quantity, then the resulting unit price will be a round number.


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