ConstructConnect CRM Integration

Mothernode CRM lets ConstructConnect customers conveniently receive or import information from their ConstructConnect Account into their leads and opportunities. You must be a ConstructConnect Insight Customer in order to use these features. For more information about ConstructConnect and their plans, contact a ConstructConnect representative. For instructions on how to export project […]

Creating user lists in records

Mothernode customers that have many users within their organization will want to reduce the total number of users who may be assigned to certain transactions or customer accounts. By default, all users appear in selection lists, but Mothernode Administrators can customize these list to only include relevant users in the selection. […]

Migrating Data to Mothernode CRM

This article is for customers who want to import their existing Salesforce data into Mothernode CRM. This feature is available in all editions of Mothernode CRM, including Mothernode CRM Trial Accounts. Users must have access to their account and have the necessary access rights to export their Salesforce […]

Building dynamic email signatures

When creating standard emails to use within a Mothernode Marketing sequence customers will often want to personalize the email by adding a signature. This, of course, can be done but if the email template will be used by multiple users when emailing their contacts, then a dynamic signature is the […]

Email Content: Best Practices

This article is originally made available by Mailgun and is relevant to Mothernode customers and their email Marketing.   There are a few tricks to remember about content besides the mantra of ‘sending something people want’. Personalize your emails to each recipient. Ideally, the content should reflect recipient’s specific interests […]

Mothernode and Mailing Lists

Many email service providers (ESPs) monitor bounce rates and will take action if bounce rates increase too much. A hard bounce rate of 5% or above is enough to cause most ESPs to reach out or take action to restrict your sending. ESPs have thresholds in place that if exceeded […]

Mothernode email marketing event definitions

When using Mothernode’s email marketing features for mass emailing or lead nurture sequences, Mothernode will report back delivery and read information for all emails sent. Mothernode uses event definitions to inform the user of what happened to the email(s) sent, so users can take further action if necessary. The following definitions […]

Adding Title Images to Event Pages

When creating Event Registration pages in Mothernode, you can add your own hero graphic to compliment the title of the event. The title graphic dimensions are 720 X 350. Images should be in JPG format and optimized for quick loading. You can right click on the image below and use it […]