Using Contact Import Templates
When it comes to importing Contacts into Mothernode CRM, users can import their list of contacts into Mothernode CRM using a standard Microsoft XLS or CSV file. To simplify this process, you can use the Mothernode CRM XLS Templates that contain the necessary fields for import. These templates are already mapped in your import process. Using the Mothernode Import templates is especially beneficial if you plan on importing data from different sources, because a single, uniform file can be used for importing your data.
Mothernode CRM Contact Import Template | DOWNLOAD
IMPORTANT: If you are planning on importing customers and contacts, always import Customers First! Then import your contacts. As long as the identical syntax is used for the Customer name in both the Customer Import and the Contact Import, Mothernode CRM will attach the contacts the the existing customer on file.
Before you Import
Custom Fields: You can import custom fields. These are fields that are not included in a standard Mothernode CRM account. To import custom fields you need to create the custom fields first in your Mothernode Account. Once they’ve been created they will be include in your mapping options in the import process.
Drop Down Lists: Otherwise known as value lists. When importing fields that will be used as drop down options to the user, it’s important that you setup the related value lists in your Mothernode account and then make sure that the same values are represented in the import col. This is another case where the syntax must be identical. If your import list includes a value with a different syntax or new value not included in your existing value lists, then it will be added as an option in the drop down.
Example: Let’s say you are importing into the Source field. If Tradeshow is listed in the value lists and the XLS file then all will match accordingly. If Tradeshow is what was listing in your value lists, but Trade-show is what is being imported, then in records where Source is indicated, your drop down list will include both Tradeshow and Trade-show.
Contact Fields for Import
The following fields are available in the Contact Import Template. We recommend using the standard templates for all imports, but users can use their own XLS fields and map the fields accordingly in the import process.
Field Name | Description | Examples | Instruction | Field Type |
First Name | Contact's first name | John | Input | |
Last Name | Contact's last name | Smith | Input | |
Salutation | Optional to preface the contact's name | Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr. | Leave blank if you don't want to use salutations | Input |
Title | Contact's professional title | CEO, President, Controller, Director | Input | |
Department | The department the contact is affiliate with | Accounting, Sales, Customer Service | Input | |
Contact's email address | | Emails that with corrupt syntax will be excluded from import | Input | |
Customer Account Name | This is the name of the customer account the contact belongs to | Mothernode, LLC | The customer names in the contact import must match exactly in the customer import | Input |
Contact Owner | The name of the Mothernode user who owns this relationship | Your Name | Set up your Mothernode User Accounts first | Input |
Market Segment | Industry in which the contact or their company is associated with | Commercial, Financial, Residential | Drop Down | |
Address 1 | Main Address | 8445 Freeport Parkway | Input | |
Address 2 | Suite or apartment number | Suite 100 | Input | |
City | City the contact resides in | Irving | Input | |
State | State or Province the contact resides in | TX | Drop Down | |
Zip / Postal Code | Zip or Postal code the contact resides in | 75063 | Input | |
Country | Country the contact resides in | USA | Drop Down | |
Group | Use this field to add this contact to a group | Distributor, End User, Vendor | Drop Down | |
Website | Contact's website or company website | | Input | |
Contact Tel. | Contact's office telephone number | (555) 555-1212 | Input | |
Contact Tel. Ext. | Contact's extesion | (555) 555-1212 | Input | |
Contact Home | Contact's home phone number | (555) 555-1212 | Input | |
Contact's twitter account | mothernode | Input | ||
Assistant | Contact's assistant full name | Mary Jane | Input | |
Assistant Tel. | Contact's assistant telephone number | (555) 555-1212 | Input | |
Decision Maker | Is the contact the primary decision maker to purchase? | Yes | Yes/No | |
Contact Note Reference | Note subject heading | Meeting Notes | Input | |
Contact Note | Note body for import | Notes about the meeting | Input | |
Do not call | Is the contact on your do not call list | No | Yes/No | |
Exclude from Lists | Should this contact be excluded from email lists | No | Yes/No | |
Marketing Campaign Recipient | Should this contact receive email marketing | Yes | Yes/No | |
Customer Satisfaction Recipient | Should this contact be included in customer satisfaction surveys | Yes | Yes/No |